It is also spending £170m to create a net zero carbon " industrialcluster" in the UK by 2040.
The German healthcare giant is the biggest name in a vast industrialcluster that employs 40,000 people on either side of the Rhine, near Cologne.
It was not clear how many workers clocked in across various industrialclusters.
The trade war is shifting both supply chains and industrialclusters, mostly towards Southeast Asia, the survey found.
They are located across industrialclusters in Singapore with a total net leasable area of approximately four million square feet.
Each network, funded by Skillnet Ireland, is a clusterofcompanies from the same sector or geographical location.
Ús de business cluster en anglès
The report compares property markets in 32 of the world's leading cities and is focused this year on tech and creative businessclusters.
Productivity increases of 38 per cent have been recorded by companies participating in the World Class BusinessCluster programme designed by Shannon Development.